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22, female

Posts: 4

I'm on Edge Now

from awkward_flamingo24 on 01/29/2019 03:32 AM

I'm not sure if I uploaded the picture correctly, but if not here's the link:

I don't know if anyone has seen this, and I honestly don't remember how I came across it. Usually tucute/mogai stuff doesn't bother me too much? But I'm legit pissed

I also cannot even begin to understand this
I mean...even though there are some pretty ridiculous "genders" out there that I don't believe are real, I still kind of understand the reasoning behind them? But this....I'm just done



22, female

Posts: 4

Essay on Gender

from awkward_flamingo24 on 01/25/2019 03:00 AM

Not really a debate, but I wrote an essay for a project in English. We're supposed to pick a topic that is really broad, so I picked gender. I thought I would let y'all read it (I'm not looking for edits) and see what y'all think.

If the link doesn't work, please let me know.



22, female

Posts: 4

Re: Are you trans/nb or cis?

from awkward_flamingo24 on 01/08/2019 03:03 AM

I'm nonbinary :)



22, female

Posts: 4

Nonbinary and Medical Transitioning

from awkward_flamingo24 on 01/07/2019 06:46 AM

I've seen an opinion: if you claim to be transgender but don't want to medically transition, you aren't really transgender (unable to transition is different, but not wanting to).

I'm not really sure how I feel about said opinion, but it's got me thinking:

What about nonbinary people? Do they have to want to medically transition to be consider valid? I've seen nonbinary people medically transition, but does every nonbinary person have to want that?

I've been thinking about it alot recently because I am nonbinary, but I don't really desire to transition medically and thus question myself alot.

I have a small chest size so I can easily wear a sports bra and it isn't very noticeable. I also like to bounce between dressing masculine, feminine or androgynous, and sometimes when I want to present more feminine I'll wear a padded bra to help achieve that (depending on what I'm wearing exactly). If I ever get breast cancer or some sort of injury heavily damaging my chest, I wouldn't mind just getting top surgery, like I'm not attached to the idea of having breasts but I don't feel the need to get rid of them either. 
Bottom surgery is a little tricky; I really don't want to have either form of genitals and I don't think there's a nonbinary bottom surgery even in existence. 
I'm not interested in getting testosterone because I feel like I already look how I want to. Like, with my hair cut short and depending on what I wear, I feel like I achieve looking masculine, feminine or androgynous. 


Reply Edited on 01/07/2019 06:48 AM.

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