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23, male

Posts: 10

Re: sans roleplay

from meteorights on 01/06/2019 11:50 PM

eueueueu. eueueueueu. eueueueueuue. eueueueueueueueueueueueueue.



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: Are traps transphobic?

from meteorights on 01/04/2019 05:13 PM

i dont think the issue is with the word itself because it was originally used for crossdressers, but i think people have started to use it more and more for trans people which, , isnt good. a lot of the time people online (especially on places like twitch) it's used for anyone who isnt strictly as masculine/feminine as people think is acceptable. a pre-t trans guy i knew went on a twitch stream and the chat was full of people calling him a trap when all they knew about him was his voice, which understandably made him feel like shit. 

its okay to use it for crossdressing people that crossdress really well, thats fine. but ive seen far too many times it being used against trans people to insinuate that they are dangerous which is fucked up



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: gender euphoria

from meteorights on 01/04/2019 05:07 PM

i think "gender euphoria" is just the feeling of having dysphoria alleviated. if someone is constantly misgendered then gendered correctly, that can manifest itself as happiness if it doesnt happen often. but someone who's fully transitioned isn't gonna be super happy every time theyre gendered correctly, because its just normal, and not causing dysphoria. idk if that makes sense but



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: Shower Dysphoria

from meteorights on 01/03/2019 12:13 AM

sometimes when i shower in the dark i crouch so im closer to the ground to avoid slipping, or use a slip-proof mat to stand on. if you absolutely need some light, try having a flashlight/phone light pointing in the opposite way to you so you can see the ground but your own body is harder to see. occasionally i will shower in a swimsuit (i have one with a binder in but some regular ones can be okay depending on how tight they are) which helps a bit



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: neopronouns

from meteorights on 01/02/2019 10:31 PM

i have no idea, i think itd be weird to ask them since i dont know them. i think this person also uses they/them but what is the point if you already use they/them??? idg it



23, male

Posts: 10


from meteorights on 01/02/2019 10:06 PM

so today i was in a discord server and someone joined whose pronouns were "ae/aer". now i try and be respectul of my nb siblings (if they have dysphoria ofc), but i really don't understand the need for making up new pronouns in english. they/them is a valid neutral pronoun, and for them to essentially be they without the 'th' is really redundant imo. ive heard some tucutes saying how its what they're comfortable with, but since they/them is neutral then nb people should be okay with using those? i am super against nounself and emoji pronouns, but i cant tell if im being rude by thinking these are pointless and in some cases, mogai. thoughts? 



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: What's one "made up" sexuality that makes you mad?

from meteorights on 12/31/2018 06:49 PM

i really don't get "abrosexual" personally. its defined as having a sexuality that fluctuates (so being straight one day, bi the next, ace the next) and it makes no sense to me. isn't that just being bi with fluctuating preferences?? like im bi (i think) and theres been times when i was like "hell yeah girls" and times when im like "i only wanna date boys rn" and times where i liked both but that didn't mean i was straight then gay then bi. if ur bi/pan then its common to like something more than something else at some point, it doesn't mean your sexuality is actually changing



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: hey gamers and nongamers

from meteorights on 12/31/2018 06:38 PM

your message banner is great sksksksk



23, male

Posts: 10

Re: hey gamers and nongamers

from meteorights on 12/28/2018 11:09 PM

please add me im so alone



23, male

Posts: 10

hey gamers and nongamers

from meteorights on 12/28/2018 11:05 PM

what's up fam im meteor i like cookies and tucutes are annoying yeehaw

i'm 17, gay, pronouns are he/him and i'm basically just a big loser so uh yeah idk what to put here

if u send me wholesome memes or talk me abt science i'll love u

all hail our king bob ross

okay im done

drops mic

mic lands on foot



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