Trump isnt racist change my mind

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21, female

Posts: 2

Trump isnt racist change my mind

from lemondyde on 12/19/2018 10:42 PM

I am not saying I support trump, im just saying some people are making absurd claims about him.



21, female

Posts: 2

Re: Trump isnt racist change my mind

from lemondyde on 12/19/2018 10:43 PM

I know I have a maga PFP but its just a joke, i do support some of his policies but not a majority



20, male

Posts: 193

Re: Trump isnt racist change my mind

from lemonvore on 12/19/2018 10:45 PM

he literally married an immigrant and the negative tsuff he says about different races is all about i l le a ga l immigrants right? i dont support him but i dont think hes racist

- wormboy, vincent

Reply Edited on 12/19/2018 10:45 PM.


19, male

Posts: 18

Re: Trump isnt racist change my mind

from Knoxie on 12/20/2018 03:16 AM

I'm not pro-trump, but everybody acts like saying illegal immigrants are, you know, illegal, is somehow the most racist thing in the world. It's not even remotely racist, but people can't seem to understand that.

I think leftist media highly demonizes every move he makes in general, usually for the clicks and views that they can monetize, and making trump look terrible is an added bonus. Or the other way around, who knows, but the point still stands.

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21, male

Posts: 10

Re: Trump isnt racist change my mind

from rattstaad on 12/22/2018 03:25 AM

I'm not pro-Trump (i think he's not fit to be president lmao) but yeah he's not racist

The left media should focus on the actual negative things about him, like how he's a draft dodger, instead of making up totally new things


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22, male

Posts: 22

Re: Trump isnt racist change my mind

from uwuscum on 12/22/2018 10:31 PM

He's not good at controlling what comes out of his mouth (for instance, the shithole country comment) but I don't think he's racist. Being against people not following the law and coming over the border illegally doesn't mean you're against Mexicans or Latin Americans. He just comes off as racist because he's Republican and he doesn't word things in the best way. 


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