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23, male

Posts: 2

Opinions on Chase Ross/Aaron's allegations towards him?

from downwithtucutes on 12/20/2018 03:36 AM

In light of Aaron's recent tweets about Chase Ross, I'm curious how y'all feel about him. I know a lot of transmeds don't like or agree with Chase, so I was wondering if y'all believed what Aaron said or if you were more skeptical?

Personally, I'm inclined to believe Aaron, as Chase has always given me weird vibes and Aaron's accusations don't surprise me much.


(For those who do not know, Chase is a popular trans YouTuber who has gotten a fair bit of controversy for being unable to have a mature discussion and holding some strong tucute views.)



23, male

Posts: 2

Re: What's one "made up" sexuality that makes you mad?

from downwithtucutes on 12/20/2018 03:29 AM

pan really gets me like... dude it's just spicy bisexual. just call yourself bi and stop being transphobic.

the other one I haven't seen mentioned is abrosexual. which is apparently when your sexuality is fluid but like... it's also just spicy bi. 

demi also really bothers me, but y'all have said that already and I don't have anything super intelligent to add to that.


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