what are you guys' school gsas like

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20, male

Posts: 166

what are you guys' school gsas like

from mini.soda on 12/19/2018 11:09 PM

i'm the president and founder of mine but i had nothing to do with the name
it's atrocious. it's literally qu**rs and allies which makes me really uncomfortable and also the entire school doesn't take us seriously because of it. i can't change it and i had no part in it, i took a vote between SAGE (straight and gay equality) SGA, and Q&A, which were all member-suggested names so it's not like i chose them all. personally i like sage.

anyways we're generally pretty chill but we're also very small because of some drama when the club started and also i live in a red state in a small town haheaheahh

what are yours like?


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Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from sallyface on 12/19/2018 11:25 PM

mine is fucking ATROCIOUS. I was kicked out for saying transsexualism is a medical condition. the whole thing was overrun she/they kweeeer aces. no shade on ace people or she/they pronouns but it’s the best way I can describe it. the staff that supervised kept interrupting me when I tried to explain that transsexualism is a medical condition and we shouldn’t be promoting harmful mindsets(ex.: I decided to be trans, my gender is mop, etc) and the “allies” they claimed to be w their whole chest said: “it’s not my place to decide” . this rly what we doing now ???? + they have a bulletin board up that has that horrific photo of the bathroom gender depictions where the different parts of it are blue/pink and shit....catch me tearing that shit down before going away for Christmas break. makes me really >>>:::(((( AMGERY



20, male

Posts: 1

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from Sykiit on 12/19/2018 11:26 PM

Mine has tucutes and it SUCKS. Drama ended up stirring up on the third meeting so a few people stopped coming.



20, male

Posts: 30

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from Xanelic on 12/19/2018 11:30 PM

Meh, my school doesn't care. It's either your trans, gay, lesbian, nb or not.

there were tucutes here and there but they ended up getting dysphoria from 'transitioning' so they stopped so (:

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22, female

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Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from Lesbiallie on 12/19/2018 11:36 PM

Feels like an oddball but mines actually alright ?? Everyone there is fairly chill but that might be because the person who runs it (its post 16 Ed where I’m from so the students run it) expressively banned most controversial topics from being discussed in depth, with there being heavy regulations on when debates are had and the conduct. There’s also not many people and most of them are from the same friend group so that’s probably got something to do with it, and the only drama is that I’d dated the head of the club like a year and a half ago so it’s old shit that we talked about a couple times. Fuck the tucutes tho honestly I’m glad mu gsa has some common fucking sense



22, male

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Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from Michaudgoetz on 12/20/2018 12:42 AM

The GSA at my school sucked. They had no interest in being inclusive to trans people or caring about trans people. There were only a few out trans kids, including myself, and all of us avoided the GSA bc they only cared about gay kids.



19, male

Posts: 18

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from Knoxie on 12/20/2018 06:08 AM

Thankfully my GSA is gone, everybody forgot about it lmao, but looking at how some kids in my grade are, it would suck lmao. I don't think we have any legitimate tucutes, but they definitely hold tucute views (gender is a spectrum, a social construct, genderfluid is real, ace is a spectrum, one kid said they chose their gender??, etc.) so let's just call them that lmao.

Most of the LGBT kids are truscum, they're all friends with me, thankfully, but god, I can only imagine how bad it would be. The amount of "qweer" shit I used to see back when we had it, it was terrible.

But, I'm going to highschool soon, and apparently they have an after school GSA, so I can't wait to see how that turns out lmao. Even worse, all my friends are leaving this year (moving states, going to private schools and academies, etc.) so bye all my truscum friends. It sucks, but yeah, for the most part we're good.

Can't wait to be kicked out of the highschool GSA sksksk

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Reply Edited on 12/20/2018 06:10 AM.


21, male

Posts: 2

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from sircatticus on 12/20/2018 06:35 AM

Not too bad. Most people who attend are just bi and lesbian girls, with about three trans people (including myself). A few might identify as pan but it's pretty tame at the moment. But last year all of the year 12s were tucutes. There was this one person specifically who was AFAB but identified as a demigirl and kept calling herself trans despite the fact that she looked female and made zero effort to transition in any way. And she was like 17 which makes me even more disappointed. Like these were people 3 years older than me but still acted like 12-year-olds on tumblr. We even had a whole meeting where we discussed demigenders and that was... something. But they've all left the school now.



22, male

Posts: 51

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from placebo.pills on 12/20/2018 06:05 PM

my new school doesn't have a gsa, just leadership, cuz we're a super small program.
at the last high school i attended, though... the gsas were jsut... ehh.... like there was PLUS Club and then GSA.
the more popular, hyped up gay guys and "bicurious" girls stayed in PLUS and only gossiped about everything and everyone, having proper parties, and getting mad at everybody who was a cishet ally. i never joined because it was basically just friends getting together for lunch and not acknowledging any of the new members.
the GSA was a little better. they made presentations about LGBT history but it was always quiet. lots of lesbians and there was me n one other trans guy. nobody ever talked so i stopped going. they never really planned out events like they promised they would when we made the full year schedule. 

It's his Dema Dick.



20, male

Posts: 166

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

from mini.soda on 12/20/2018 07:50 PM

smh i feel bad for y’all,,, mine will probably get worse tho oof

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