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Die Suche lieferte 2 Ergebnisse:


21, Männlich

Beiträge: 2

Re: hiya!

von sircatticus am 21.12.2018 10:35

Howdy from a fellow aussie trans dude



21, Männlich

Beiträge: 2

Re: what are you guys' school gsas like

von sircatticus am 20.12.2018 06:35

Not too bad. Most people who attend are just bi and lesbian girls, with about three trans people (including myself). A few might identify as pan but it's pretty tame at the moment. But last year all of the year 12s were tucutes. There was this one person specifically who was AFAB but identified as a demigirl and kept calling herself trans despite the fact that she looked female and made zero effort to transition in any way. And she was like 17 which makes me even more disappointed. Like these were people 3 years older than me but still acted like 12-year-olds on tumblr. We even had a whole meeting where we discussed demigenders and that was... something. But they've all left the school now.


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