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24, Männlich

Beiträge: 2

Re: trenders

von jessyeet am 24.12.2018 10:36

Trenders make me feel guilty. I’m no medical professional and my family, being a strictly catholic hispanic family, is anything but supportive, im doing this on my own. saving up for a gender therapist as of now so i have yet to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria (i know its there but like agains its a diagnosis) anyways back to trenders. they make me feel guilty for usung he/him pronouns and calling myself trans bc almost every trender i have met shames me for it. “you dont have dysphoria so youre just being transphobic!!” or “if you need it, why dont you have dysphoria?” and its like i do, i really do but holy shit i cant afford to have it im 18 and in college . idk if what im saying is making any form of sense but yes i feel guilty for not having the means to transition.

I hope transtrenders come to the realization that what they are doing is extremely harmful and they need to stop.



24, Männlich

Beiträge: 2


von jessyeet am 21.12.2018 10:02

CW: mention of dysphoria

my dysphoria is getting worse and i really dont know what to do anymore. it’s gotten to the point where instead of crying and breaking down, i just kindof shut down and disassociate. im only out to one member in my family and hes already gotten me a binder being since my mother wont let me get a job. that wont come until later though. my bottom dysphoria is whats been getting to me most. i havent showered in days and i rarely get up to use the restroom. idk what to do anymore.


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