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20, Männlich

Beiträge: 193


von lemonvore am 23.12.2018 07:14

what do you think is the most dangerous thing about transtrenders? 

i honestly really just think that it's what's going to happen after it goes out of trend. i don't know if you guys really know much about this but a while ago (it wasn't that long ago) there was a trend to be bisexual, a "bistraightual" people would take pictures of them kising the same gender at parties and stuff like that. pretty innocent right? similar to trenders, but the thing is as soon as being bi went out of trend almost alll of them turned homo/biphobic. they all thought "it didnt work for me, so it doesn't work for anyone" this is already pretty observable, i know a bunch of terfs who were transtrenders. thats what scared me,,, i don't want to go through a bunch of transphobia from transtrenders when it goes out of trend. am i overthinking it? id on't know,, its justscary

- wormboy, vincent



20, Männlich

Beiträge: 166

Re: trenders

von mini.soda am 23.12.2018 08:12

you just put things in a whole new perspective,,

the worst things honestly abt trenders is that they give transphobes new angles and give them more material. all i want is to be accepted. i don’t mind all the pride stuff and frankly i do the pride stuff too but it goes too far sometimes.



20, Männlich

Beiträge: 193

Re: trenders

von lemonvore am 23.12.2018 08:15

im kinda scared to come out because i know my dad assoicates trans people with trenders n thats bad enough but trenders r probably gonna also become transphobic so that really fucking sucks. 

- wormboy, vincent



21, Männlich

Beiträge: 10

Re: trenders

von rattstaad am 23.12.2018 08:22

call me weird but i find transtrenders a little... terrifying

They're living proof that being trans can be a phase and can be something that kids do to be cool and that kids can be confused into thinking theyre trans. Like the other person said they're nothing but more ammunition for transphobes to discredit actual trans people with.


I like rats

instagram: @rattstaad (spam) or @ratbonezz (main)



22, Männlich

Beiträge: 51

Re: trenders

von placebo.pills am 23.12.2018 09:26

i recently watched kalvin's video on the whole rin issue and all of that just reminded me how annoying trenders can be. they are very much real and i don't understand people who don't believe that they are, especially actual trans people.

they're the type of people to victimize themselves and dodge any n all questions about their dysphoria because "iT's NoNe Of yOur bUsiNesS Dx" which makes things worse. i am very much open to questions about my gender and dysphoria, even if they are a little invasive (ie about sex) because i think people need to learn/understand how everything works. but trenders are out here pulling the fuckin REVERSE card on everything we're improving because most are just "uwu SPACE BOY uwu" with long, colorful hair and feminine clothing.

have y'all ever met an amab transtrender? i've only ever seen guys who pretend they're bisexual or gay at my school because everybody else was coming out (2015-2016) so they thought it would be "fun." 

It's his Dema Dick.



20, Männlich

Beiträge: 193

Re: trenders

von lemonvore am 23.12.2018 09:35

theres actually a few amab trenders, i remember seeing blaire doing avide with her friend about it. the man who had a full on bread and all he did was wear a dress.

also it's pretty common for really feminine gay guys to get on the genderfluid/pan label because no gay guys around them like feminine guys.

yeah i really hate that they all completely avoid talking about dysphoria, because its good to be open, of course some things are too personal but you need to be open about /some things/ for people to understand why you ar elike you are, yknow? 

- wormboy, vincent



22, Männlich

Beiträge: 22

Re: trenders

von uwuscum am 24.12.2018 04:00

Biggest issue I'd say if if they try to get medical treatment and give themselves dysphoria. Not only do you make trans people.loom bad by saying they'll regret it (FYI, not all detransitioners are trenders, it's just that there would be a lot less if there weren't trenders), but you take resources away from actual dysohoric trans people. Look at the NHS in the UK, there's a lot out right now about waitlists being super long because of trenders. It honestly makes me glad I'm in the US, because as much as our healthcare system sucks, at least it'll take me maybe 3 months max to get T once I convince my parents to let me go on.



24, Männlich

Beiträge: 2

Re: trenders

von jessyeet am 24.12.2018 10:36

Trenders make me feel guilty. I’m no medical professional and my family, being a strictly catholic hispanic family, is anything but supportive, im doing this on my own. saving up for a gender therapist as of now so i have yet to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria (i know its there but like agains its a diagnosis) anyways back to trenders. they make me feel guilty for usung he/him pronouns and calling myself trans bc almost every trender i have met shames me for it. “you dont have dysphoria so youre just being transphobic!!” or “if you need it, why dont you have dysphoria?” and its like i do, i really do but holy shit i cant afford to have it im 18 and in college . idk if what im saying is making any form of sense but yes i feel guilty for not having the means to transition.

I hope transtrenders come to the realization that what they are doing is extremely harmful and they need to stop.



20, Männlich

Beiträge: 193

Re: trenders

von lemonvore am 24.12.2018 04:12

yeah exactly!! it really fucking sucks that trenders do this shit to trans peoples images. like? some trans people are too poor or have health problems that make it so they can't transition and transtrenders give those people a /horrible/ name.

- wormboy, vincent


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