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19, male

Posts: 193


from lemonvore on 12/24/2018 12:45 AM

none of yalls r gonna know what im talking, its not transmed related or anything but im really upset abt it n theres no where else to really rant so haha

its not on tumblr or twitter or any big site so it's not osmething you guys would have heard about, but there's this girl called dana. she's twenty years old a website full with mostly 14 to 16 year olds. sure that's fine whatever but keep in mind she's a full grown adult. 

a year ago a korean idol commited suicide, this is the first time i heard of dana. why would this involve dana? well she posted things about this idol, not things like "rest in piece" no, that would have been fine but what did she do, you ask? she sexualized him, within 48 hours of his death. she literally said she was jerking off to him and and wanted to lick him and a bunch of gross shit like that. fucking disgusting, people called her out so fucking much. but she got away with it, she didn't get deleted and she continued to use the website. 

anyways, over the course of this year she harrassed and harrased people. sending witchhunts and telling people to kill themselves. why did she do this? simple disagreements. you post about not liking bts? witchhunted, insulted, shamed into apologizing. you remotely against lgbt, even when ur dating a bi person? witchhunted, insulted, shamed into apologizing.  if you don't apologized, she will attempt to deleted you. remember, the people she's threatening are around five years younger than her. /// i actually have a personal story of this happening. me and my best friend got into a situation with her actually haha. so my friend mari has always had something against dana more than i have, i always just saw her are kinda cringy n a shit person but since mari personally likes kpop a lot and still gets upset about the idol i mentioned earlier, it upsets her a l o t. she seriously dislikes dana. anyways, a few months ago dana made this ratchet as thing it kinda looked like a bomb if i'm honest but i think it was supposed to be a type of lamp? my friend mari posted about it, making a joke about it bein that ratchet and such, and one of her followers notified dana.

and thus, the witchhunt began. dana tagged about 20 people to harrass my friend mari, remember, mari is 6 years younger. surely dana shpuld have brushed it off as a teen being irresposible and reckless but no. 300 replies in, im directly involved. mari stopped replying cause she knows how stupid dana is and how much she refused to listen to any logic, she literally argued for three hours with me, begging mari to apologize and delete the actibvities, not trusting me when i told her mari was at school. it was so dumb, no one outside of her fucking witchhunt toe sucker minions were siding with her. this is also when i learned, half of her friends are underage. remember this, underrage. people she's directly involved with and people she makes read every single activity she posts.

more recetly, she did something really gross. hell, all things from now on will be really gross. if you've somehow read this far and are sensitive towards suggestive pedophilia, stop reading. anyways. she was dating this boy (how ? idk shes literally a major fucking feminist like one of those who think men r inherently bad) and they would have sex and what did she do about this? tag ALL of her friends, even the underrage ones n tell them about the /amazing/ sex she had. this made me so fucking sick but i didn't say anything publically because i didn't want to be witchhunted. anyways, i don't know details about this next situation because i havent been on the website as much bc xd depwession but !! apparently she was posting about how much she wanted this 16 year olds dick. fucking disgusting. 

anyways i mentioned her being a feminist and that's fine, normal feminism is absolutely fine!! but the thing is she fucking MASSIVE on free the nipple. whatever, sure thats fine, im all for breatfeeding in public but LITERaLLY me and /all/ my female friends agree that outside of breatfeeding, there's no fucking reason to free the nipple. now, since talking abt this shit makes me hella dysphoria im jus gonna copy paste what mari said "WHY DOES SHE EVEN WANT TO FREE THE NIPPLE LIKE ? NOT HAVING A BRA OR SHIRT WOULD BE SO UNCOMFORTABLE SND NO ONE EVEN WANTS TO SEE UR TIDDIES LIKE THERES NO POINT IN GIRLS WALKING AROUND SHIRTLESS, THATS UNCOMFORTABLE TO DO" 

but whatever, some people want different things and i can't shame them for that but the problem is what she did because of this. now i don't know if u mfers know, but YES you can't fucking show tits, its considered nudity and even if you disagree with that, YOU CAN'T SHOW TITS AS A SOLUTION, THATS NOT WHATS GONNA SOLVE IT. she literally showed her tits, to a BUNCH of minors. ON PURPOSE, SHE DIDN"T TAG IT, SHE JUST POSTED BARE TITS. NO WARNING. TO. CHILDREN! THIS IS A FUCKING PROBLEM.

i don't know really, maybe i'm over reacting but it pisses me off and makes me feel gross. she's still at it. using an alt account. she still has defenders. but at least she losts thousands of followers. she can't do stuff as easily now. she can't find activities to harass minors or show as many minors her tits anymore.

i'm sorry for all the random colors, i needed something to remotely cheer me up and half distract me haha

- wormboy, vincent



19, male

Posts: 166

Re: rrrrrrrrrr

from mini.soda on 12/24/2018 01:22 AM

god wtf she sounds disgusting!! have u tried blocking her? damb she's gross



19, male

Posts: 193

Re: rrrrrrrrrr

from lemonvore on 12/24/2018 01:28 AM

i don't like blocking people sadly :( 
she doesn't bother me personally unless i get involved with someone else, i think she like is scared or me or smth idk why but she never asked me to delete my posts about her, when she demands everyone else does. which is really nice.

but she's not following me,, or anyone really anymore thankfully,, i think she might try to make a comeback, but she says she wanted to change? she probably wont but,,,, i can at least hope idk

- wormboy, vincent


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