ftm passing tips

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ftm passing tips

from lemenhed on 01/06/2019 05:34 AM

as an ftm myself, i wanted to share some minor but effective passing tips that help me feel less dysphoric.
you don't have to feell pressured to follow any of these; not adhering to masculine behavior does not make you any less of a man. these are just certain tips that personally help relieve my dysphoria.

- most ftms know this, but button up shirts, jackets, and heavy + baggy sweatshirts all help to hide your chest as opposed to other tops.
- avoid light material or any other clothing that could easily cling to your chest.
- when shopping for pants, buy men's jeans. before i came out to my parents, i used the excuse that men's jeans have pockets, which can be used if your parents aren't accepting. find straight cut jeans, avoiding skinny jeans. try different cuts to see which ones make your waist appear smaller and do not define your curves.
- baggy sweatpants are also useful if you do not want to wear jeans. if you are unable to shop in the men's section, look for pants with baggier and heavier material that do not cling to curves.
- when swimming, i personally wear a female swimsuit to bind my chest. i suggest finding a swimsuit that's maybe one or two sizes too small, but be extremely careful not to buy a swimsuit damaging to you. when trying one on, make sure you can get in and out of it easily, it is comfortable, easy to breathe in, and does not hurt your chest.
- if you can, wear men's sport tank tops / shirts and shorts while swimming.
- if you are unable to get a binder, wear 2 to 4 sports bras to flatten your chest.

- sit with your legs outward, rather than crossing them or squeezing them together, obviously not to the point to where it's unusual.
- when walking, females tend to walk with their feet pointed more inward while males tend to walk with their feet more outward.
- keep your hips straight when walking and step with your entire foot rather than heel first.
- attempt to talk less with your hands and speak slower.
- when talking, speak from the bottom of your throat and from your chest, rather than the top of your throat and your neck.

- buy contour and higlight to define the masculine parts of your face and neck. define your adams apple with the creases around it, as well as your cheeks, eyebrows, etc. try to keep definitions square-shaped.
- don't fill in your eyebrows. it usually ends up looking more feminine than without fiilling them in.
- when packing, don't overdo it. it's better to give an extremely subtle bulge than an unnaturally blatant one.
- try to cut your nails often, keeping them short.

- practice deeper vocalization frequently, following tutorials and making sure not to damage your voice.
- eat more foods that lower your testosterone and decrease your estrogen, like grapes, mushrooms, and cauliflower.
- if you can, excersize often or lift weights.

that's all i have at the moment. i'm sorry it isn't much, but feel free to add more tips if you have any. y'all are strong and i love you all <3

Reply Edited on 01/06/2019 05:35 AM.

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