About Ivan

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19, male

Posts: 18

About Ivan

from Knoxie on 12/20/2018 03:26 AM

Wassup you absolute yeehaws,

I'm Ivan, I'm 14 years old, my pronouns are he/him and I'm the biggest piss baby to ever exist, but I'm also the biggest wannabe manly man at the same time. A wannabe macho macho man, if you will.

I'm bi, and technically am ace, bUT I also recognize that I'm literally only 14 years old so it could just be my age, anD it could stem from bottom dysphoria. So, basically, I'm bi lmao.

Also, I'm pretty problematic, and at times, drama is my biggest craving and I will not hesitate to start controversial discourse. It's a fun life.

Can't wait to debate with y'all 🤠

School Situation: Failing ~3 Classes (updated regularly)

Level of Transition: 9

T: pre
Op: pre

Opinions on my profile. 
Instagram: @festive_lgbt_bitch_babies


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