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Re: cat pictures
from Lesbiallie on 12/21/2018 05:26 PMLogged onto my laptop say hello to my fluffy black hole
Re: hhhhh
from Lesbiallie on 12/20/2018 11:59 PMComing out is all about situation, not only safety of the situation but when is best to do it. Gathering the family and making it a big deal will cause more anxiety than you need in what is a big step in your life. Personally, came out to my mam over the bath while she was washing out my hair dye, my dad not at all really he just knows I’m gay, same with my siblings. Secondary was odd because I only needed to tell my friends then within the day the whole school knew, but with collage it was offhand jokes and only the people I’m around the most tend to know. Coming out is a process that you’ll do for the rest of your life so keep it casual; people who make it a big deal aren’t people you want to be around
Re: bad pickup lines
from Lesbiallie on 12/20/2018 11:43 PMAre you an Instagram comedy video? Because I’d cheat on my girlfriend with you and film it
Hello! It’s just me!
from Lesbiallie on 12/20/2018 11:33 PMI’m Allie, a 16 year old cis lesbian from England, and this is all literally about me so be prepared for a lot of facts and not a lot of humour tbh lads. I’m a borderline inclusionist, obviously a transmed and I’m anti mogai/terf/map/anything fucking stupid really. I’d describe myself as somewhat a socialist but definitely on the hard left, with a passion for politics and media studies with me taking them for my A-levels so all good there, I also love music and learning drum which I’d recommend to anyone thinking of taking up an instrument, it’s actually great. I’m into pop punk/rock shit and p much anything around that area, though I do unashamedly like rap and 00s pop along with that so y’all can see I’m a mess. Basically then Hello! I’m buzzed to be here and hope this is a wholesome place where we can promote unity, respect and decency in discourse and don’t be afraid to drop me a message if you fancy!
Re: cat pictures
from Lesbiallie on 12/20/2018 11:21 PMHow do u add pictures to a reply I have a very important contribution
Re: what are you guys' school gsas like
from Lesbiallie on 12/19/2018 11:36 PMFeels like an oddball but mines actually alright ?? Everyone there is fairly chill but that might be because the person who runs it (its post 16 Ed where I’m from so the students run it) expressively banned most controversial topics from being discussed in depth, with there being heavy regulations on when debates are had and the conduct. There’s also not many people and most of them are from the same friend group so that’s probably got something to do with it, and the only drama is that I’d dated the head of the club like a year and a half ago so it’s old shit that we talked about a couple times. Fuck the tucutes tho honestly I’m glad mu gsa has some common fucking sense