extreme tucute???

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22, male

Posts: 51

extreme tucute???

from placebo.pills on 12/30/2018 05:19 AM

Idk what else to call them rn; just genuinely confused and upset??

tw: sui/death mentioned

Early today I was on Vent and there was somebody who was making a vague post about somebody so I went through their interactions to get that hot goss n apparently there was somebody who was posting loads and loads of vents just about how truscum/transmeds should die or kill themselves. It was just.. a lot. So I went onto the post that the first person commented on and it was like: "truscum go fucking choke challenge"

I was genuinely concerned so I read through the comments for more context. First person was talking about how like transmed beliefs aren't about self-hate or somethin and the tucute was just going off about how it totally was and they were pissed off that everybody in the community that supported those beliefs were being transphobic (still don't understand how trans people can be transphobic but go off, right); community is being divided; we're hateful; etc. etc.
So I hopped in and was telling them that if they truly wanted the community to be supportive of one another, telling a whole group of your own brothers and sisters to die isn't gonna help.
They then told me that they were pissed off because they had extreme dysphoria but they didn't fit into everybody's cispassing whatever the fuck tucutes usually say. I replied that nobody's trying to invalidate them so they should calm down and we could talk it out but they basically told me to shut the fuck up because I didn't know what I was talking about n that it was fine for them to direct their anger towards truscum because they were angry, "lmaooooo."

They were just really really condescending and they ended up hardblocking me later on. I understand that not all tucutes act this way but...... that's all I ever see. They all get so angry and victimize themselves.
I don't know if this is necessarily a debate topic but I wanted to get other people's perspectives on this. 

It's his Dema Dick.



22, male

Posts: 22

Re: extreme tucute???

from uwuscum on 12/30/2018 05:36 AM

I have seen a lot of calm tucutes and tucutes that are respectful, but there are a lot of them that are also not. Honestly if it weren't for the super outspoken and crazy ones, people probably wouldn't care as much about tucutes, because yeah there's a lot of outspoken ones out there.



20, male

Posts: 166

Re: extreme tucute???

from mini.soda on 12/31/2018 12:58 AM

ugh i hate extremists, from either side. if you want progress you can’t tell people to kill themselves.



20, male

Posts: 30

Re: extreme tucute???

from Xanelic on 12/31/2018 09:59 AM

omg I had a tu cute yell at me for saying het. Bitch I was talking about a bearded dragon morph called het hypo stfu

((Anyways, an extremeist transmed, tu cute, terfs, whatever, are horrible. Now let me eat my hot Cheetos.

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